Getting Started with Ultimate Impact

The Pathway to Fruitfulness


o   Get familiar with the Overview of Ultimate Impact Christian Ministry. You can do this in 1 of 3 ways…

·    Watch the Overview video at the bottom of our “Video” page on the web site

·    Attend one of our Overview events (live or on Zoom or WhatsApp).

·    Get a free PDF copy of our Overview event notes.

o   Gather a small group of no more than 5 people and begin going through the “Foundations of Christianity” together. We can provide you with a free PDF file of the lessons. Focus on applying what you learn, not just gaining knowledge.

o   After the final lesson (Lesson 8), decide if you want to take the “Ultimate Impact Challenge”. If so, contact us to get your Phase 2 materials called “The 1st 40 Days of Impact” and go through it with your mentoring group.

·    Most of the lessons in Phase 2 are to be done individually but once a week, you will meet with your mentoring group to go through a lesson together. The day your weekly mentoring group meets is considered “Day 1” of each week. The individual lessons are days 2-7 of each week.

o   Encourage, equip, and train each other to be “doers of the word” and implement the skill sets, attitudes, perspectives, and habits from the “1st 40 Days of Impact” material.

o   Take our Phase 3 course called “Zume.” This will help you become a disciple maker. You will even be able to start a Simple Church after taking this course. A Simple Church is a small church (usually between 6-25 adults plus children) who meet together with a specific structure you will learn about in Phase 3 that helps everyone to be spiritually fruitful.

o   Invite others to go on this journey with you. As you find spiritual seekers, invite them into your mentoring group to go through the same process and multiply your mentoring group each time it surpasses 5 people.

o   Get a free Ultimate Impact coach to guide you through the process of multiplying groups in your area, start monthly gatherings for prayer, training, and/or starting Simple Churches as you become a part of the bigger network of Ultimate Impact.